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Honored Heroes share their stories to let other patients know they are not alone on their journeys — because no one should face the challenges and uncertainty of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in isolation. Through their stories, Honorees raise awareness of these diseases, raise funds to support the Foundation’s mission and inspire hope in those living with IBD.

Pediatric Honored Hero-Harrison Flaherty

Hello! I'm Harrison Flaherty. I'm almost 13 years old and live in Kent, Ohio with my Mom, Dad, sisters Cecilia and Elizabeth and my two cats, Ruby and Vivian. I really enjoy playing with my friends, swimming, going on long bike rides, and playing video games. I’m a Scout and play the bassoon and percussion. 

My IBD path began at the age of 11, when I had dramatic weight loss and lots of stomach aches. I didn’t have an appetite and usually felt full. After a visit with my pediatrician, I was referred to pediatric gastroenterology and started my journey with Dr. Barry. Following an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and an MRE, I was officially diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and ready to find a treatment plan.

Dr. Barry decided that we would start with infusions every 8 weeks. My inflammatory markers were still high, so we ended up moving them to every 4 weeks. Early on, I had an allergic reaction to the medication, so now I take a steroid before the infusion, and everything is fine. I go to Cleveland Clinic Children's in downtown Cleveland. When I am there, I can do anything from play Xbox, visit with the facility dogs, or drink slushies. I usually end up taking a nap as well.

Pretty soon after diagnosis, we learned about the Take Steps walk from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. We quickly put together Team Flaherty and were able to participate for the first time in 2022. We had a team of 23 people that included my family and friends. After having a rough few months, it was really amazing to see so many of my family, and my friends and their families, at Edgewater to support me. Seeing so many other people, children, and adults, made me feel less alone. The foundation also made me aware of the opportunity to go to Camp Oasis, a camp for children with IBD. I was able to go in the summer of 2022. It was life changing meeting other kids that were going through the same thing (physically and emotionally) that I was going through. I really hope to go back soon. 

Take Steps, and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, have provided me with connections to others and connections to education and information about IBD. I am so thankful for what the Foundation does for me, my family, and all others impacted by IBD.

Adult Honored Hero-Adam LeBarre

Adam Lebarre

My name is Adam LeBarre, I am 36 years old, and I have had Crohn's Disease for 18 years. It was the start of my junior year of high school that my symptoms started. My symptoms were very mild at first. It started with a decreased appetite and an increase in restroom trips. Since everything started at the beginning of a new school year, we figured it was nerves or extra stress I was putting on myself. At this time, I had never even heard of Crohn's or Colitis.  Our family doctor recommended us to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist at Akron Children's Hospital. I started seeing Dr. John Fyda, who, at the time was one of the top Pediatric Gastroenterologists in the country. Because of my mother's persistence, we were able to get a quick Crohn's diagnoses, around 10 months. 

I have been on many different medications and steroids so many times over the years that I have lost count. I have had 3 small bowel resections; I have had my gallbladder and appendix removed and have had to have scar tissue cleaned out. Through all of this, I was going to school, working, and playing sports. I kept going because I had no other choice. It was just the new way I had to live my life. I was lucky enough to work for the Akron RubberDucks, the Cleveland Guardians, and the Cleveland Cavaliers during these times.

Over time, I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, GERD, and secondary adrenal insufficiency.  Thanks to my current GI and my new critical care specialist, I have my conditions under control and my Crohn's is currently in remission. 

For the longest time, I was going through life not knowing how many people were like me. I had only known a couple other people with this condition. It probably wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I found out about the Foundation and Take Steps. I am so glad that I did! I was no longer suffering alone and met more people like me. Take Steps has allowed me to realize the importance of awareness, education, advocacy and pushing the mission forward to find CURES. 

I am extremely honored to have been chosen as the 2024 Northern Ohio Adult Honored Hero. Thanks to my family, friends, and all those that I have met through the Foundation, I am still going strong. I want to be a role model for the younger generations and show them not to give up. I am someone who leads by example, one who doesn't boast and someone who doesn't complain. I hope I am showing everyone that you are strong, and nothing will stop you. 

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