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Honored Heroes share their stories to let other patients know they are not alone on their journeys — because no one should face the challenges and uncertainty of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in isolation. Through their stories, Honorees raise awareness of these diseases, raise funds to support the Foundation’s mission and inspire hope in those living with IBD.

Meet our 2024 Adult Honoree - Laura Keefover

My name is Laura Keefover. I am 31, have brown hair, love to cross stitch, read Jane Austen books, take walks in the park and I have Crohn’s disease. When telling people about myself it always seems important to include my diagnosis, because through good and bad this disease is a huge part of my life. When I was first diagnosed on Valentine’s Day at age 16, I was familiar with the illness because my Mom had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis for most of my life. In fact, one of the first medications took was a medicine that my Mom had been on a study for when she was early diagnosed. I remember during those first few years of my diagnosis feeling like my family continued to operate business as usual, no one ever panicked at going to the ER twice in one night or told me how annoyed they were that we had to stop again for a bathroom break, there was an immediate acceptance of our new normal. Now looking back my parents knew what this illness was and how it was affecting me, but wanted me to have a normal a life as possible and not feel like the “sick kid” all the time. Our philosophy was not to let my illness keep me from living a good life, to plan on each day being a good day and not be disappointed when it wasn’t. There have been many bad days, many trial and error with various medications and treatments. A few surgeries, long term TPN with no food, infections, complications and medication allergies and failures. More than once my doctor and I have had a conversation about how there are very few options left for me to try, but through research, new and innovative treatment options and consulting Doctors all over the country we have been able to achieve many good days. Though I have not been in total remission for a very significant amount of time, I have been able to stay healthy and be close enough to remission to have a beautiful, completely healthy baby girl this year. There have been many bad days, but definitely more good than bad. I have backpacked through Europe as well as various other international trips, planning on Australia next! I’ve sung in professional choirs and groups, and have had a successful, fulfilling career for the past 9 years as a music teacher where I’ve had the privilege of teaching thousands of students, some of whom are suffering with IBD. I have a wonderful family with my husband Jacob and daughter Zoe, as well as a supportive extended family and friends all of whom provide wonderful support. Having IBD is like being in a club that nobody wants to be in, but once you’re in it you get the support of the Crohn’s and Colitis foundation and the IBD family.


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