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I'm Harrison Flaherty. I'm almost 13 years old and live in Kent, Ohio with my Mom, Dad, sisters Cecilia and Elizabeth and my two cats, Ruby and Vivian. I really enjoy playing with my friends, swimming, going on long bike rides, and playing video games. I’m a Scout and play the bassoon and percussion. 

My IBD path began at the age of 11, when I had dramatic weight loss and lots of stomach aches. I didn’t have an appetite and usually felt full. After a visit with my pediatrician, I was referred to pediatric gastroenterology and started my journey with Dr. Barry. Following an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and an MRE, I was officially diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and ready to find a treatment plan.

Dr. Barry decided that we would start with infusions every 8 weeks. My inflammatory markers were still high, so we ended up moving them to every 4 weeks. Early on, I had an allergic reaction to the medication, so now I take a steroid before the infusion, and everything is fine. I go to Cleveland Clinic Children's in downtown Cleveland. When I am there, I can do anything from play Xbox, visit with the facility dogs, or drink slushies. I usually end up taking a nap as well.

Pretty soon after diagnosis, we learned about the Take Steps walk from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. We quickly put together Team Flaherty and were able to participate for the first time in 2022. We had a team of 23 people that included my family and friends. After having a rough few months, it was really amazing to see so many of my family, and my friends and their families, at Edgewater to support me. Seeing so many other people, children, and adults, made me feel less alone. The foundation also made me aware of the opportunity to go to Camp Oasis, a camp for children with IBD. I was able to go in the summer of 2022. It was life changing meeting other kids that were going through the same thing (physically and emotionally) that I was going through. I really hope to go back soon. 

Take Steps, and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, have provided me with connections to others and connections to education and information about IBD. I am so thankful for what the Foundation does for me, my family, and all others impacted by IBD.


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